Short collection bins


New member
Some of you may have read another post by me about using a wye and two collection drums. I have 9' 4" ceilings so height would not normally be an issue but with the added height of the wye I still need the short wide bins most of us like. I can't see spending the money that o****a wants for a bin plus the outrageous shipping estimate I got. Penn states bins would work but they are rather small and I don't like the plastic lid (I know I could make a new lid). I find it hard to believe that penn state is having them custom made but I can't find the short bins anywhere else, they are all the tall skinny. My neighbor picks up used 55 gallon steel drums used by printing places and will be bringing me two of them next week. They are the standard 55 we all know with the snap ring lid they will still have traces of ink in them (not looking forward to that) but free. My plan is cut those sucker in half and remove 10" or so and weld them back together. Might be a pain to try and line up the seam flush as I weld so I thought I might buy a bead/ seam roller to put a rabbit (woodworkers term) all the around one half so they line back up making welding easier. I will report back with progress. A lot of work for a drum but I am not going to succumb to their crazy prices.
I don't have the tall ceiling clearance and was forced to use a small barrel of less than optimal size. I too have considered taking the 35 gallon unit I acquired and removing the center portion. I thought it might even make sense to replace some portion of the side with clear plastic, similar to the cyclone material. Better yet, I wonder what would be required to have Clearvue make clear barrels! One of the owners, who is a God with metal, made a clear lid. I was so envious when I saw that.

BTW: I hate fitting pipe.
Barrel Size

Barrel Size

I have a 55USG barrel and am quite happy to dump it at 1/2 or less. I have to empty it into a plastic bag and haul it away. I let it go to 3/4 once and it was more trouble and mess than it was worth.
