Suggestions to duct layout


New member
Hey guys whats going on, I recently started doing layout ideas for my ductwork and was just wondering if anyone had any input on my current design, I have an 1800 with 16" impeller and I'm using 6" astm 2729 S & D. My shop is 25x25 with 10" ceilings and the ductwork is planned to run about 4" below the ceiling. Also, i was forced to use a 1' length of flex house right out of my inlet to get to the main duct, it connects to a 3' length of 6" pvc, then to the main line, its really the best I could do (or think of) to hit the angle of my main line. My main concern is that I have runs that may be too long and or have too many turns, I realize that this unit has tons of power but its my first DC and I have nothing to compare it too or no prior experience with a DC or ducting. My down drops will be roughly 7' of 6" PVC that will connect to about a 3" length of flexhose to get to the tool. Blast gates will be placed as high as possible on the down drop (preferably right after the 45 degree pvc piece that leads into the down drop. Thanks in advance fellas and Ill be happy to get additional images or information if it would help.
One thing you might look at to cut the length to some of your tools is to run a line down from between the bandsaw and jointer to the table saw and then to the disc sander. Then you would ex out the lines between the table and miter saws and from the bottom right corner over to the disc sander. I think this could cut the losses, especially to the drum sander where you will want very good collection. One other thing you could look at is to use 45 degree runs both horizontally and vertically to cut both lengths and bends.I personally do not mind drops at 45 degrees.
Twillis, I join you in being a novice at setting up a dust collection system. This is my first, too. But there are lots of folks here to help. And, I suppose you've read Bill Pentz's website and his advice on ductwork and layout. A good diagram to mull over is the diagram below that he's posted on his site. Note his use of a diagonal run straight off the cyclone and how he's reduced his design to two main lines an no meandering around the periphery of the room.

And, note his use of a straight length of pipe for several feet out of the intake to the cyclone (he recommends a minimum of 4 feet which Clear Vue also endorses). The issue is not that there won't be enough power from the impeller, the issue is that a curve near the intake creates turbulence that reduces the efficiency of the cyclone's ability to separate out the dust. You'll have more going into your filters. When working on my ductwork design this past week (posted yesterday), I turned myself inside out to achieve that minimum of 4 feet straight pipe to the intake.


Also, several people asked me a very good question: Are the machine locations locked in or can they change? We each have different workflow in our woodworking, but I see that many people find creating an island of machines at and around the table saw to work well to optimize both work flow and dust collection. Jay Bates has done a good job of this and you might take a look at his shop layout for an example. See his website and Youtube channel. He has a video about his Clear Vue CV1800 installation and ductwork, but more relevant is his video on clustering his machines for best workflow.

Good luck with your developing design and your installation! I look forward to hearing more about what you decide you will be doing.
thank you for all the good advice. Yes I have spent a lot of time reading through bills website, and I’ve also seen the video from JCC. All good resources. All of my machines are mobile so that definitely helps. Based off of the input of you and bababrown I rerouted the west line to a sweeping 90 degree out of the closet o create a second branch that has diagonals, it worked out well and I’ll save money by using less materials. Thanks again guys, wouldn’t have made that move without your input. Also, I know this isn’t the right post for this but ive read a lot of posts about fitting the Wynn flex hose over pvc and I was prepared for the worst when I started; however, as I stated earlier I bought astm 2729 6” and the 6” flex hose from local wood craft, it fit right over my pvc no probelm. I know you said this was your first system as well so that may make tour life easier if you haven’t already finished your setup. Thanks again guys, talk to you soon.
Glad you have a solution you're pleased with Twillis! And thanks for the added comment about fitting the 6" flex hose and over the 2729 pipe. That is an encouraging report.

If you're still interested in looking at other ductwork layouts, you might enjoy the photos and comments from "Alan in Washington" in his responses to me on what I'm laying out. The links to the NCWoodworker forum: link1 and link2. He offered some very good advice that I will be applying as I re-work my layout design.