Thread organization


New member

I was curious if the 'new' website was working for everyone and also if you guys liked the navigation. I am planning to put the same header on the forums and maybe intergrate the gallery into the forums or at least get some help making one login for both. Any ideas on how i could seperate the threads so that everything isn't going into the general catagory wihout having 100 submenus as that wouldn't be good either.

Thank you for any and all ideas,


Ideas for the forum to help find things easier. Make a few more topics to start threads under:
Clear Vue cylcones – specific questions about the different cyclones you offer
Clear Vue Installation questions – how to put a Clear Vue Cylcone package together.
Basic Dust Collection questions – why we’re bothering about it all
Supplies and Suppliers – specific items you need to set up a system and sources to check out to purchase them
Piping – questions about sizes, configurations, materials, etc.
Filters – questions about types, how to set them up, how many, etc.
Tool hoods – modifications people have done, what works well, how to make better ones, etc.
Noise levels – ideas on cutting down the volume
Shop plans – how people have their shops arranged to best advantage.

These categories come from the areas I have been researching to get our new dust collection system set up. I have found a lot of information by going over the old threads (and from Ed and others saying “look here”). But maybe having the old threads organized into these categories would help others in finding their answers faster.

Just some ideas. Hope they help
Ok that sounds great!! I would like to make it a lot easier to find information as there is alot of good stuff in here. Should i consider intergrating the gallery into vbulletin or leave as a seperate enitity and have one regristration and login?

I like the gallery with all the pictures from one place together. We haven’t yet posted into that section, so I don’t know how that works. I am not sure how the gallery would combine with VBulletin, so can’t give any help there. I think you can put pictures in the posts in the forum as is, and that is a good feature.
My 2 cents

My 2 cents


I second most if not all what the Nikkels suggested, with one addition: Perhaps under an installation main topic there could or should be a separate listing for the CV 06. Perhaps it warrants a separate top line topic. The point being it is significantly different from the other three, enough, I think, that a distinct category would be worthwhile.

You might also consider segregating the galleries between the CV 06 and large, blower driven units.

Not sure you need a distinct filters topic, as I'd consider that part of the supplies/suppliers area, but having it distinct wouldn't bother me. I'd go with the flow on this detail.

The only other caveat I might consider is that however many main categories you select, it would be good if they'd all fit onto the first, main page. But that, too, is more a goal than a requirement. The upper limit, as you observed, is that too many topics becomes akin to having one "General" and hundreds of sub topics, both unmanageable and user unfriendly as one spends too much time searching for the proper topic. There's a fine line in there somewhere, but I don't know exactly where it is.

As for merging or blending the galleries and forum, on the plus side, it would be easier to enter and easier to point folks to appropriate pictures, hopefully. But on the down side, some folks use different screen names, passwords, and the like. Personally, I wouldn't mind consolidation, but also am perfectly happy with the current, separate setup.


Thanks guys i will get started on it soon. I have tried to put the header from our main site onto the forums without any luck yet. It would seem that's easier said than done.

New website

New website

I use Opera as my web browser. The flash logo doesn't appear at all and the navigation bar, which does appear, doesn't work. Not sure if this is a problem with any other browsers.

Opera not working!!

Opera not working!!

oh no
I am sorry to hear that!! I will look into it. It only took us a week to make it work in ie and firefox. Surely i can fix that relatively easy:rolleyes: As some of you may know we are not website designers and have done our best. My apologies and I will at least try to make it work in opera.
Is it just our website?

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I just downloaded and installed opera and i went to our home page told me to install flash i did that and restarted and went back and it doesn't work. I hit page refresh on the home page and the navigation bar comes up sometimes and works sometimes. I am going to have alot of reading to do i can see already. If anyone can point me to some good reading or tutorials that would be GREAT.


I just checked compatability across all browsers in dreamweaver and founf 4,485 errors and 9,434 warnings! most are in opera 2.1 - 8.0 and i am just guessing that 8.0 is as high a version that it checks. Thanks again for pointing this out to me and I will try to get this fixed.
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4,485 errors! There can't even be that many lines of code in that animation! I've done some work in Flash that works just fine in Opera. I'm not much of a programmer and I know I didn't do anything special, so it might be a simple compatibility setting.
Moved the Thread

Moved the Thread

I moved the thread in hopes that it would let everyone know that I was going ahead the the organization of the posts. I know alot of them are old and not revelant anymore as out company has changed but decided to move them instead of deleting them. In the mean time i apologize for the mess and we should be able to start using the new catagories while I am moving stuff around.


Matt, I think the new website looks really great! Nice job!

I'm headed over there now to take advantage of the new lower CV06 price.