Closet for my CV1800


New member
I had posted this in an older post but maybe some good here as well. My link to the pictures of my CV1800 install are here. Starting on page 3 you'll see my CV1800
It is for me, but I haven't tried to set up an album there yet. I will do so once I get more of my ductwork and machine connections made.
Well I've tried all I know to do so it will have to wait until someone at CV can reset the password for the gallery. Seems my password manager tried setting up a unique password for the gallery log in and it doesn't like that. Trying to change it puts me into an eternal loop. Message says:

Authentication Failure

Your change cannot be completed due to a loss of session data. Please try again. If it still doesn't work, try logging out and logging back in.

Back to the Gallery

Hopefully I can get that dealt with on Tuesday.

So today a very helpful Lisa set me up and I've uploaded an album that probably should be tweaked but we'll see how it goes. It's located at the following link
Thanks Rushton. Now to get the shop organized and cleaned up. It is slowly but surely getting better as I build the needed cabinets and such to get things in their place. Next big project is the miter saw station which I'm hoping I can built to accommodate the 13" Cutech planer as well. Seems if I'm going to have the counter space to support long wood for the miter saw I should be able to move that and place the planer in it's place for infeed/outfeed support for the planer. I haven't seen a plan for that combination yet so I may need to design it myself.